A woman is standing in front of an illuminated wall.

Vitality Booth™

Discover A New Wave of Wellness

Step into a world where science meets wellness, offering you an oasis of rejuvenation right in the middle of your hectic day. Vitality Booth™ synergizes the potent benefits of red light therapy, halo salt therapy, concentrated oxygen therapy, vibration therapy, and negative ion generation, offering you a multifaceted approach to boost your well-being.

Your Personal Sanctuary of Revitalization

These wellness therapies work subtly, at a cellular level, gently fostering change without any noticeable sensations during the process. It’s a perfect retreat to simply relax, breathe, and give yourself the gentle care your body deserves. Each Vitality Booth™ is situated in a private, lockable room, providing you with a serene space where you can escape and rejuvenate.

And there’s NO HEAT generated, meaning you can step right back into your day without any downtime.

A woman with her hands on her face.

Your 30-Minute Wellness Retreat

Wondering what to expect during your 20-minute session? The therapies are so gentle, they don’t entail physical sensations, unless you include the vibration therapy. Over a series of weekly sessions, you’ll start to notice subtle positive shifts in your wellbeing. A session can be scheduled by itself or alongside a haircut, a facial, or another beauty or MedSpa treatment. Take time for yourself each week to feel your best.

We encourage you to unwind, take a break from the stresses of the day, and enjoy a guided mindfulness or breathing meditation, catch up on an audiobook, listen to your favorite podcast, or we can select spa music if desired. This time is yours—to relax, to breathe, to rejuvenate. It is a brief, refreshing pause in your busy life.

Choose Any or All of the Therapies


Experience the cleansing power of salt therapy, which aims to support respiratory health and potentially boost your immune system. Ideal for individuals looking to alleviate symptoms of allergies, colds, or skin conditions such as dermatitis. We only use medical grade pure sodium chloride. Read what WebMD says about halotherapy.

Red Light Therapy

Immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of our FDA Class 2 Medical Device certified red light panels. Regular sessions can aid in improving skin elasticity, enhancing mood, and supporting muscle recovery, among other potential benefits. The dual spectrum red light waves interact with aerosolized salt crystals to deliver the most effective red light therapy available. Read what Cleveland Clinic says about RLT.

Concentrated Oxygen Therapy

Elevate your energy levels and potentially find relief from headaches or migraines with our oxygen therapy sessions. A fresh burst of oxygen can sometimes be just what you need to feel revitalized. Academic research looks at the benefits of oxygen enrichment.

Vibration Therapy

Engage with our vibration therapy to assist in improving flexibility and enhancing blood flow. A gentle, yet potentially effective way to reduce muscle soreness and stress. Read what Mayo Clinic says about whole-body vibration.

Negative Ion Generation

Experience the uplifting effects of negative ion generation throughout your session, aiming to reduce stress and boost your mood naturally. This feature is activated with each of the therapies above. Healthline discusses the benefits of negative ions.

Advanced UV Sanitization

The integrated state-of-the-art blue light UV sanitization system between sessions insures cleanliness and a safe environment. The sanitization system has been shown to kill viruses including Covid-19 and SARS.

Packages Tailored for Optimal Benefits

Weekly sessions are recommended to gain the most benefits.
Packages do not expire.



$99 Unlimited Monthly Membership Available!

Vitality Booth™ Contraindications

  1. Diseases that involve the retina of the eye, such as diabetes
  2. Photo-sensitizing medications like lithium, melatonin, phenothiazine, antipsychotics, and certain antibiotics
  3. Pregnancy
  4. Epilepsy
  5. People currently taking cortisone injections or steroids
  6. Use of Red Light Therapy directly over the thyroid in specific thyroid conditions is not advised
  7. Due to the increased circulation response from Red/NIR, it is not advised to apply red light therapy to active hemorrhage or bleeding wounds since it may only allow for more bleeding
  8. Halotherapy is not recommended in the following cases: tuberculosis, fever, contagious conditions, severe heart disorders, or existence of cancer, advanced pregnancy, or acute state of respiratory attack

Disclaimer: The use of Salt Therapy is not intended to substitute for medical care or treatment. Please consult your physician if you have concerns about using the Vitality Booth.